My Blog

Survey Report

Here is my survey report about the quality dimensions that are considered important in smartphones. ( October - 2023 ) ( Quality Management )


Here is my favorite beats that I produced.


and another :


and one more :


Pura Game Jam

The final stage video of the “Pura Game Jam’23” competition that I organized within the scope of the “Computer Society” unit, of which I served as the president for the 2022-2023 academic year :

Final Etap Video ( Live Cast )

Advice Video (Mech. Eng.)

I have a college application advice video from the days when I was studying mechanical engineering. Students who watched this video got accepted to the Hacettepe University Mechanical Engineering program. However, by the time they approached me, I had switched to industrial engineering 😅😅😉😉

Internship Report (Mec. Eng.)

Here is my Internship report about “Mechanical Engineering Workshops” that I prepared in my first year of mechanical engineering. ( September - 2021 )

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